How can I help?
As a copy editor, my goal is to make sure the author’s point is understood.
I help authors find the right words, clean documents of distracting typos,
match usage to preferred style, and make sure clarity is achieved
so honest ideas come through.

Photo by Ann Allen
About Mark Allen
Mark Allen has been helping others improve their writing since he was a teenage editor on his high school newspaper. He edited professionally for 20 years on newspaper copy desks and for 15-plus years as a freelancer. He has improved articles on emerging technologies, university accreditation self-studies, curriculum materials, scholarly papers, policy papers, news stories and analyses, marketing documents, blog entries, business-to-business and business-to-consumer emails, nonfiction books, and more.
He is president-elect of ACES: The Society for Editing, the English-speaking world's largest professional association for those who edit. He has taught extensively on writing and editing, including recently developing the intermediate editing certificate program on math and numbers for the Poynter Institute for Media Studies.
Partial client list
A great joy of freelance editing is the variety of clients it brings me in contact with, affording opportunities to learn with every one. Here are some of the organizations I've head the pleasure of editing for over the years:
American Journalism Project
Apple Tree Institute
Brooklyn College
Cities of Service
Columbus State Community College
The Conference Board
Equity Methods LLC
Gear Stream
Harvard Education Publishing Group
Hudson Institute
International Center for Transitional Justice
International Fact-Checking Network
Johns Hopkins University
Keck Medicine of USC
Kennedy Krieger Institute
The Knight Foundation
Learning Mate
MIT Horizon
National Endowment for the Humanities
National University
Nationwide Financial
Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions
The Ohio State University
Plan International
Red Flag Group
Skoll Foundation
Trilogy Education
UMass Transportation Center
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Universita Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
University of Kansas
University of Maryland School of Nursing
Virtual Lab School of the Ohio State Collaborative
Women Enabled International
You be the editor​
Click below to try your hand at various usage questions, based on my social media posts and a quiz I developd for the Poynter Institute for Media studies a decade ago.